
Output 1

Increased demand for basic, post-basic literacy, entrepreneurship/capacity; awareness of education/ social policies and procedures; social inclusion in home and community services:

The focus of this output is to increase the demand for basic and post basic literacy, Life Skills and social inclusion services within a strengthened Educational and Social system. The approach involves supporting the community and LGA and state governments to build a sustainable community system that links up

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Output 2

Improved information generation with knowledge, attitude, and practice across social categories and issues being used in policy and practice.

Output 2 has demonstrated that good data, when understood and analyzed, can be immensely powerful and effective.  This Management Information System u

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Output 3

Improved delivery of literacy and Entrepreneurship through Life Skills activities/services.
Literacy, Life Skills and Social inclusion indicators of children, girls, and women in the northern states are among the lowest in the world. Output 3 is about service delivery in Literacy, Life Skills and Social inclusion and the systems supporting service delivery. The unit in collaboration Learn More

Our Message

Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country, with a population of 171 million, including 40 million children. It is also the continent’s largest economy and has achieved strong economic growth rates in recent years. There have been some improvements in the situation of children and women in recent years, but a lot still remains to be done.

Over half the population are ignorant that still lives in poverty. There are major regional disparities, and 90 percent of the poorest people live in the north of the country. Kano and Kogi States where we operate falls within this region.

Consequently, most women aged 18 to 49 and girls aged 09 to 17 can hardly read or write. Majority of them are stark illiterates and drop-out from schools as a result of early marriage, incapacity, and displacement caused by insurgency and crises. According to UNICEF record, “we have about 67% of women and girls that are literate in Nigeria with over 80% of the illiterate’s ones from Northern and middle belt of Nigeria. Primary school enrolment and attendance are improving, but there are wide disparities, with attendance lowest in the North, in rural areas and among the poorest. Nigeria has 10.5 million out-of-school children, the world’s highest number. Girls’ primary school attendance has been improving, but this has not been the case for girls from the poorest households”.

As a result, we see many children especially girls of school age from 7-18 years hawking petty items of about $1 value, children of 3-5 years playing while few others are in school due to displacements, lack of political/individual will, ignorance or financial inability of the parents. Again, few fortunate children in school go late and return home early due to failure in educational systems, most schools lack basic materials that give conducive learning environment thereby decreasing students’ performance and increasing examination malpractices. Most schools, literacy/vocational and social welfare centers lack vital data that guides in Monitoring and evaluation.

Insurgence, religious and ethnic unrest in Nigeria especially the recent armed conflict in north-eastern Nigeria that was one of the world’s deadliest for children. The incident that extended to other parts of the country displaced many people and children it’s a contending issue that calls for interventions. This has resulted to a dramatic rise in violence, growing recruitment and use of children, sometimes very young, as well as countless abductions and attacks on schools, reported cases of sexual violence against girls, including forced marriages and rapes at areas of conflicts. The standard of education is dropping drastically, for instance, Out of the 14,784 Students segregated into 10,807 Males and 3,977 Females, who sat for the West African Examination Council Examination in Yobe in 2015, only 646 or 4.37% got the required 5 credits.

The petty traders could hardly manage their business due to insecurity,  ignorance, and pressure in meeting the needs of their large family. The unemployed youths and girls/women engage in social menace that destroys new generations, reduce social/economic well-being, increasing inequality in the society thereby inducing early marriage, perpetuating a high level of unemployment and poverty, thus, affecting all our communities’ aspects of life.

Avabe Initiative believes that the high level of illiteracy and poverty invariably affects all our communities’ aspects of life being health, food, environment, technological advancement, governance, and Security.

Lack of structural systems in schools, literacy and vocational centers and Local Government Area (LGA) level to build capacity/knowledge of teachers, attendees and staff is another problem that requires intervention.

In view of these antecedents, we aim to increase the number of literates and improve standard of education through our innovative special learning and adult centers; create means of sponsorship of future generations to the families through capacity and empowerment of girls of age 9-18; youths and young adult women and men aged 17-49 that will support Educating Women for Turn Around (EW4TA), which forms our overall goals.

Next Steps…

While we remain committed to the transformational and sustainable services that will nurture and improve the lives of our inhabitants and develop the communities, we leave our doors widely open for possible collaborations, capacity building and to receive grants opportunities that will further strengthen our efforts.

Call to Action